Meet Our Chairs
Miranda Shannon

Year: Senior
Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA
Major: Molecular and Cell Biology
Minor: Health Policy and Administration
Minors: Health Policy and Administration & Microbiology
Hi! My name is Miranda, and I am Ayuda’s President and Co-Primary Chair for THON 2025! I was previously the Family Relations Chair for THON 2023 and 2024! I have so many memories with Ayuda, but my favorites always include the Goras! Pumpkin painting, bowling, and seeing each other throughout THON Weekend has always been so fun! I was also a THON Family Relations Captain for THON 2024 and got to support and become more connected with Four Diamonds Families. I’m so excited for the year ahead with our members and THON Family!
Kristina Exton

Vice President and Co-Primary Chair
Year: Junior
Hometown: Horsham, PA
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Minor: Human Development and Family Studies
Hi! My name is Kristina and I am so excited to be Ayuda’s Vice President for THON 2025! This is my third year in Ayuda and I was a Donor and Alumni relations chair last year. I love getting to know Ayuda’s members, alumni, and supporters. My favorite THON memory is seeing the Goras at the dancer entrance at THON last year. I always have the best time playing games and doing activities like painting pumpkins with the Goras. I am also a Family Relations Captain for THON 2025, and was a Hospitality Committee Member for the past two years. Over the summer, I spent a month in Ireland for a study abroad program learning about agencies that support people with disabilities. I love Taylor Swift, baking, painting, and THON. I am so excited for this year FTK!
Julia Aquilone

Donor and Alumni Relations Chair
Year: Junior
Hometown: Levittown, PA
Major: Secondary Education focused in Earth and Space
Hi! My name is Julia and I have the honor of serving as the Donor and Alumni Relations chair for Ayuda this year!! I have the wonderful opportunity to connect with our alumni to keep them updated and involved with all things Ayuda! I am also a Communications Captain for THON 2025 and it is so exciting and breathtaking seeing all the different aspects of this beautiful origination. My favorite THON memory has to be GoGo retro during final four, or final reveal, or just Final four in general! I am so excited to help Ayuda grow and do what I can, For the Kids, For the Goras!
Kayleen Montanez Zainadine

Family Relations Chair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Miami, FL
Major: Psychology
Minor: Rehabilitation and Human Services
My name is Kay and I am Ayuda’s Family Relations co-chair! It is a privilege to be able to foster Ayuda’s relationship with our THON family, the Goras! I have previously served as Ayuda’s special events chair and I have been an overall member for three years! My favorite THON memory would be giving one of our THON 2024 dancer piggy back rides during THON weekend! Outside of Ayuda, I serve as the president of my sorority, Delta Phi Epsilon, and a research assistant in a psychology lab that focuses on parent-child dynamics.
Brianna Garrett

Family Relations Chair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Lone Tree, CA
Major: Telecommunications
Hi! My name is Brianna, and I am the co-Family Relations Chair this year for THON 2025! I was also the Public Relations Chair last year for THON 2024. It’s hard to choose a favorite memory from Ayuda, but it would most definitely be spending time with the Gora’s and our dancers during the final hours of THON 2024. Seeing the impact that the Gora’s had on our dancers and other volunteers during the hardest times is a such a memorable experience for me. My other THON experience includes being on the PR committee, Rules and Regulations Committee for 2 years, and I am now the Donor Alumni Relations committee. On campus I work at the tennis center and I am also a member of Tri Sigma. Over the summer, I interned at CBRE on site at Google campus in the Mountain View, CA. I am so excited for THON 2025, FTK always!
Cara Hockett

Fundraising Chair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Davenport, IA
Major: Industrial Engineering
Hi! My name is is Cara and I am one of the fundraising chairs this year for THON 2025! This is my third year in Ayuda and I am so excited to be apart of the fundraising team this year! I have also been on Rules and Regulations for 2 years and Operations committee for 1 year! I am a senior majoring in Industrial Engineering with a minor in Information Science and Technology. I enjoy listening to music, hanging out with my friends, and going to the gym! My favorite THON memory is final 4 and seeing how all of our hard work throughout the year has impacted the families. I hope this year we are able to increase our total from last year FTK!!
Julia Kline

Fundraising Chair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Langhorne, PA
Major: Engineering Science
Hey!! My name is Julia, but commonly go by Jules! This year, I am serving as one of Ayuda’s Fundraising chairs! I am a senior majoring in Engineering Science with 4 minors in Engineering Leadership, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Design and International Engineering. During my time at Penn State, I have studied abroad 5 times to 8 different countries! I love to travel, cook and coach gymnastics! My favorite THON memory is dancer tunnel because it’s a great start to an amazing weekend! I’ve been a member of Ayuda for 3 years and on a Dancer Relations committee for 2 years! I’m so excited to be one of the fundraising chairs and can’t wait to have another record breaking total FOR THE KIDS!!
Kelly Makovics

Public Relations Chair
Year: Senior
Hometown: Horsham, PA
Major: Chemical Engineering
Minor: Environmental Engineering
Hi all! My name is Kelly and I am Ayuda's Public Relations Chair for THON 2025! I am excited to keep members and alumni up to date with events through social media and capture the best memories of THON events throughout the year. My favorite THON memory is always the final four hours, seeing the impact THON has on families is truly amazing. One thing I enjoy about Ayuda is the community we have built with members and the Gora's. Outside of Ayuda I have volunteered for THON and have been on a Rules and Regulations committee the past 2 years.
Katie Boyle

Special Events Chair
Year: Junior
Hometown: Horsham, PA
Major: Elementary Education
Hello, my name is Katie and I am Ayuda’s Special Events chair!! I am so excited to be able to organize different events for our organization and help foster connections between our members. My favorite THON memory was being at THON weekend when I was ten years old and have such a fun time. THON creates such a great and welcoming community here at State College and I am so glad that I can say I am a part of. One thing I love about Ayuda is the close relationship we have with our THON family, the Goras. It is amazing to be able to see and spend time with them during the year. For the Goras. For The Kids.